Let the products in your building tell you when they need something.
Say goodbye to workplace hazards.

Internet-of-Things (IoT) solutions that empower products to notify you wirelessly when something is wrong.
Our instant notification technology helps you keep tabs on your entire enterprise. Discover maintenance and environmental issues before they become a problem.

Never Let Dispensers Go Empty
Now, you don’t have to wait for customer complaints to know when amenities need replenishing. Instantly alert attendants when dispensers are low.
Track Important and Time-Critical Equipment
Become aware of dangerous air pollutants or environmental conditions before they manifest. Set a new standard of preparedness, and get ahead of costly damages.

Know When Items Are Stolen
Be alerted when valuable items are taken from the room or zone where they should be.
Case Study: Valley View Casino – Smart Sanitizing Dispensers (Solution 3 of 3)

In addition to our 3D panic buttons, Location Tech deployed a smart sanitizing dispensing system at Valley View to help ensure that guests never find a sanitizer station empty when they need protection. Our smart dispensing systems utilize the same private network and software to monitor and inform the appropriate employees when it’s time to refill the stations with sanitizer.